Welcome to Chitkara
Learning Resource Centre

The library services are the cornerstone of the education system at Chitkara University, India. The mission of our library services is to facilitate the creation of new knowledge through acquisition, organization, and dissemination of knowledge resources.

The University Libraries offer a wide range of materials in a variety of formats—from traditional books and serials to films, and multimedia and networked information from around the world. Highly skilled staff assists students to use the local collections and find information on specific topics. Our libraries are a learning space where students are inspired to explore research and create. Our libraries are not only the places to think but also an informal work area where students gather to collaborate.

Learning Resource Centres at Chitkara University comprise the central library and ten departmental libraries. The Library committee has put up policy and budget in place so that the same is adequately stacked at all times for use by the students and faculty.

All libraries are Wi-Fi enabled and have state-of-the-art computerized machines and digital tablets to provide easy access to our online resources. Critical functions of the library viz., registration of visitors, issue/return of books, accession records of all hard copy resources, and Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), are fully automated by barcoding of all the books and easy scan bar code readers. Need-based reprography services viz. printing, photocopying, and scanning are also available in the library.

Library Automation Software: "KOHA" used for automating all the services of the library is the most advanced open-source Integrated Library Management System (ILMS). KOHA is a web-based ILMS, with a SQL database (MySQL) backend, with cataloging data stored in MARC and accessible via the Z39.50 server. The user interface is easily configurable, adaptable, and has been translated into many languages. The main features of this software are:

Name of the ILMS software KOHA
Nature of automation (fully or partially) Fully Automated with Barcode Technology
Version Koha
Year 2009
Weblink http://opac.chitkara.edu.in

The libraries have a collection of 1,22,249 books with 38,851 titles on various subjects including a large number of reference books covering atlases, biographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, manuals, yearbooks, etc. With an annual subscription to about National and International print journals - 218, e-journals - 1,16,594, e-magazines - 13,637, e-books - 10,60,987, and audio books - 11,328, libraries at Chitkara University provide precious print resources to the users. So far, research scholars have submitted 1126 Master's and Doctoral theses to the central library. E-copies of the Ph.D. theses are regularly updated on the Shodhganga platform.

Regular subscription to databases and services like IEEE Xplore Digital Library, IEEE Learning Network, Knowledge Hub, DELNET, EBSCO, ProQuest ABI/INFORM Global, Bentham Science, JSTOR, AIROnline, Manupatra, Animal Simulator, Lexicomp, Economic Outlook Database, Prowess on Web Database e-ShodhSindhu, Shodhganga membership, NPTEL, etc., enrich the overall knowledge bank of the library. Access to services like ProQuest, IEEE Xplore, Bentham Sciences, etc., enable our staff and students to update on the subject of their interests. Extensive use of course contents developed by NPTEL by the students led the University to win the Best New Local Chapter award.

The library has installed DSpace for maintaining a regular repository of important documents like old question papers, and Ph.D. Theses, Masters Theses, and Open access articles, etc. University subscribes to plagiarism check software Turnitin and URKUND Plagiarism Detection - Ouriginal, services of which are also provided to end-users through the library.

Last Updated on 01-09-2024

Chitkara University Library Data